Relentless – A Michigan Man


I’m going to tell you something about myself, but first I’m going to tell you a story.  You’ll wonder for a paragraph or two where this is going, but stick with me.  You will learn why this post is on my special education law blog. What is a “Michigan Man”? There are many articles and […]

Evaluations vs. IEP Meetings – A Very Important Distinction


A client recently told me they received a notice for an “evaluation meeting”.  Huh?  I asked, do you mean an IEP meeting?  The client wasn’t sure because the notice said just that – evaluation meeting. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN EVALUATION MEETING! Since I figured school districts are trying to confuse parents by […]

Put Communications Between Teachers and Parents in the IEP


A new tactic being used by schools against parents of children with disabilities is to require / funnel all communications with the school through one person, usually the case manager.  We’ve seen numerous questions by parents if this is illegal or whether parents can request two-way communication be listed as an accommodation in the IEP. […]

Bullying and the Gebser Letter


You probably know what bullying is. You may not know what a Gebser Letter is or what it does. Sit down, grab your cup of coffee and read on. The Effects of Bullying First things first. It is now widely accepted as fact that children with disabilities are more likely to be bullied than their […]

Public Schools Have Made Your Child the Enemy and You, the Taxpayer, Are Funding Their Battle


You pay federal taxes.  You have schools in your town.  Those schools have special education programs.  If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably a parent of a child with special needs. Well, guess what?  If you have a dispute with your school about your child’s IEP or otherwise not meeting your child’s special education needs, […]

What is a “reasonable accommodation”?


Recently I was asked to explain what a “reasonable accommodation” is. The person put the question in some context:   Their child’s “special education school thinks a table in classroom with curtain is a reasonable accommodation for his bathroom needs. The class is coed teenagers with different cognitive and physical abilities.” I doubt this is a […]

Websites for Parents of Twice Exceptional (2e) Kids


Identifying 2e Children   Tips for Parents: Meeting the Needs of 2e Children   7 Myths About 2E Students   Gifted Children With Learning Disabilities   2e Newsletter   NEA: Twice Exceptional Dilemma [PDF File] Books on 2e Kids  

Audio Recording IEP Meetings – Is It Allowed?


Having an audio recording of what happens in an IEP meeting is powerful evidence, especially when school districts deny what was said or fail to put a service in writing into the IEP.   For example, an audio recording can prove or disprove what was actually discussed during the meeting, whether the parents were given proper […]

Transportation is a Mandatory “Related Service” for Special Ed Kids That Need It


Under IDEA, transportation is a “related service” that must be provided to kids with an IEP.1  Transportation must also be provided to infants and toddlers as part of Early Intervention Services.2 Transportation includes travel between home and school; between schools (if the child attends more than one campus); travel within and around school buildings (if […]

New special ed case involving charter schools and attorney’s fees


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit handed down an excellent decision on October 11, 2017 for parents of children with disabilities.  In the case of H.E., et al.  v. Walter D Palmer Leadership Learning Partners Charter School, et al., the Court held and reaffirmed its prior ruling that “success on a claim […]