What is ESY?


ESY stands for Extended School Year and is special education and related services provided to a student with a disability during periods the public school is not in session.  The following will break this down into more specifics. The Law The regulations for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provide as follows: “Each public […]

State Graduation Requirements vs. Special Education Law – Who Wins?


Before I answer the question in the title, let me share a true story. I appeared before a special ed hearing officer on behalf of a child with a disability – let’s call the child Chris (changed to protect identity).  Chris has severe learning disabilities and is far behind age-equivalent peers.  Chris does not do […]

Twice (Thrice?) Exceptional Curriculum – Antonia Guccione, MA, MS [Guest Blog Post]


Possession of a college degree as well as a Special Education credential does not necessarily mean one is ready for all the challenges of meeting the needs of diverse learners. If one thinks having a curriculum guide and a set of text books is going to do it, one is mistaken and must seriously reconsider […]

The Appropriate Use of Assistive Technology for Students – Antonia Guccione, MA, MS [Guest Blog Post]


Discerning how, when, and why students should access Assistive Technology to support learning involves many levels of decision making.  It all starts with the IEP, the student’s present levels of performance, his educational needs, and the impact those needs have on learning. Thank goodness there is help! The Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative provides a series […]

Why Schools Shouldn’t Reject Your Child’s Diagnosis


Recently, I have heard (far too many) stories from parents that the schools are taking away services from their child and/or denying providing services because the school does not believe the child’s diagnosis.  This is wrong and illegal on so many levels, but I will adress the three (3) most important reasons why schools should […]

Public Schools Have Made Your Child the Enemy and You, the Taxpayer, Are Funding Their Battle


You pay federal taxes.  You have schools in your town.  Those schools have special education programs.  If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably a parent of a child with special needs. Well, guess what?  If you have a dispute with your school about your child’s IEP or otherwise not meeting your child’s special education needs, […]

What is a “reasonable accommodation”?


Recently I was asked to explain what a “reasonable accommodation” is. The person put the question in some context:   Their child’s “special education school thinks a table in classroom with curtain is a reasonable accommodation for his bathroom needs. The class is coed teenagers with different cognitive and physical abilities.” I doubt this is a […]

Transportation is a Mandatory “Related Service” for Special Ed Kids That Need It


Under IDEA, transportation is a “related service” that must be provided to kids with an IEP.1  Transportation must also be provided to infants and toddlers as part of Early Intervention Services.2 Transportation includes travel between home and school; between schools (if the child attends more than one campus); travel within and around school buildings (if […]