SKL Condemns Use of the ‘R’ Word by Elon Musk


We in the special education world have long condemned the use of the ‘R’ word. Just google “don’t spread the ‘r’ word” and you get tons of results. The reasons for this are many. (1) It is harmful to people with Intellectual Disabilities (which is no fault of their own); (2) It is grossly inaccurate; […]

Trump Proposes Dismantling the US Dept of Education: What Does This Mean to Special Education?


[This is an opinion piece by] As part of Donald Trump’s flurry of executive orders and initial actions of his second presidency, he has promised to get rid of the U.S. Department of Education. This is horrible, cruel and illegal. You may already know this, but one of the critical roles of the […]

Special Education Law is Federal Law (Not State Law)


Frequently I am asked what someone’s state law says about special education. Another variation is people say, “OK, I understand that is the law in [New Jersey or Texas or California], but what about in my state?” Hopefully this blog post will clear up this misunderstanding. _ One tip before I go farther: Don’t look […]

A Medical Diagnosis is NOT Enough!


Wait, what? You are probably having that reaction to the title, but it is the law. A medical diagnosis – by itself – is not enough to qualify your child for an IEP or special education. Let me give you some examples before I cite you the law. Example 1: Tara is a 9 year […]

What is ESY?


ESY stands for Extended School Year and is special education and related services provided to a student with a disability during periods the public school is not in session.  The following will break this down into more specifics. The Law The regulations for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provide as follows: “Each public […]

Special Education is a Hostage Crisis – Claudia McCulloch, Ph.D. [Guest Blog Post]


Dedication: I dedicate this article to a truly inspiring child advocate and professor, the late Irwin Hyman, Ed.D., who fostered my education throughout my time at Temple University. He was a man of brilliance, boundless energy, and intense devotion to the well-being of children. He had a vision of change and helped his students to […]

Supreme Court Petition for Writ Filed on Burden of Proof in Special Ed Cases


Filed today is a Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court seeking the Justices take up a case involving burden of proof in a special education case when a school district or public agency seeks to change the placement of a child with a disability.  The question presented is: Under the Individuals […]

State Graduation Requirements vs. Special Education Law – Who Wins?


Before I answer the question in the title, let me share a true story. I appeared before a special ed hearing officer on behalf of a child with a disability – let’s call the child Chris (changed to protect identity).  Chris has severe learning disabilities and is far behind age-equivalent peers.  Chris does not do […]

5 Things Wrong With Public Education Today


Here are my thoughts and observations about what is wrong with our public education system today: 1.  Too much is spent on school administrators and not enough is spent on teachers 2.  Too much is spent on extracurricular activies, particularly sports, and not enough is spent on arts, music, home economics, and trade (auto shop, […]

USDOE Finds NJDOE Non-Compliant With IDEA 45 Day Rule


Well, well, well.  Seems that someone is taking notice that the NJDOE has been noncompliant with IDEA’s 45 Day Rule (which we’ve written about extensively in the past): Why Special Education Due Process Cases Are NOT Full-Blown Lawsuits SKL’s 45 Day Rule Class Action The 45 Day Rule On May 6, 2019, the US Department […]