I love teachers! . . . (really, I do!)


There is a bad reputation out there for special education lawyers, advocates and parents of special education kids.  The reputation is that we hate all school teachers and those who work in the schools and we are simply out for vengeance. I’m going to focus this post on the misrepresentation that I must hate teachers […]

Free (legal services) or not free . . . that is the question


I’ve had a lot of people ask me lately if I provide free legal services or if I can take their case for free.  The answers are: (1) Yes, I do pro bono (free legal) work through South Jersey Legal Services (www.lsnj.org/sjls);  and (2) No, if you can afford a mechanic, HVAC repairman or doctor, […]

A Huge Problem in Special Education: Teacher Unions


There have been many recent, well-publicized incidents of teachers and school staff doing horrible things to kids – and not just any kids, special needs kids.  Here are just a few examples: In Cherry Hill, NJ, a dad of a special needs child wired his kid for sound and audio recorded verbal abuse by the […]

What Everyone Should Know About Special Education Funding


There has been a rush to judgment lately, by those without disabled children and those without children at all, that the increase in costs for special education is the fault of the parents of disabled children demanding too many services for their children.  Aside from the natural anger towards the attitude that disabled children don’t […]

Playing (and Winning) the School District’s Game of Chicken


[Appeared previously on Special Education Advisor blog] Probably the most frustrating part of being the parent of a child with a different ability[1] is the response from the very organization you hoped you could trust the most to do right by your child – your school district.  After all, teachers and administrators are trained to […]