Public Schools Have Made Your Child the Enemy and You, the Taxpayer, Are Funding Their Battle


You pay federal taxes.  You have schools in your town.  Those schools have special education programs.  If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably a parent of a child with special needs. Well, guess what?  If you have a dispute with your school about your child’s IEP or otherwise not meeting your child’s special education needs, […]

Aggravation in trying to access student records


As you may know if you have been reading my 2 Things: Special Education Law Tips Newsletter, there are laws which grant access rights to parents of their student’s educational records.  This is especially true when the student is a child with a disability.  Such rights are granted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act […]

What’s a FERPA letter?


For those of you who are new to education law or are in a battle with your school district to make sure your disabled student is getting a “Free Appropriate Public Education”, you may have heard the term “FERPA” or been told to send a “FERPA letter“.  And you’re probably wondering “What the heck is […]